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Departed on 15/02/09

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


it's 2010 already and as the clock ticking away, i feared for the arrival of 15Th Feb! That would mark your 1year departure. Tik tok, tik tok, that's how the clock sounded and times, my heart beat along with it! I always tell people 'It's a brand new year, a brand new start. Time to let go of the unhappiness past and start afresh' but seriously, i never tot of putting you behind me and move on with my life cause I know I can never do it. Sometimes, I pop by pet shop, I do hope to see another you there so I can buy you back and share with you everything I have. I know it's impossible cause you already reborn as a human ^^ So hopefully, you can become my best friend or someone close to me. I bring along your license with me everyday, I just hope to bring you around and share every lil part of my life with you in this special way! Maybe this is all fated! Fated to love and remember you for the rest of my life.

I heart you, Munmun.